During the initial phase of psoriasis

A violation of emission under the influence of the duration of dysfunctional factors (diet, hypothermia, stress) are changed exacerbations, treatment should be available hard. The symptoms of the disease plague lives. It is therefore important to know the symptoms which are self-declaration in the first phase in the development of psoriasis, a treatment success depends on the problem of detection yield and in the mean time.

During the initial phase of the disease causes of psoriasis

One of the main reasons why I believe psoriasis is genetic predisposition. A possibility that they would pass on their illness is too big for the child of a mother with cystic. Also, the features like, a number of factors, skilled provoke the appearance of psoriasis:

  • Functional disorders of the immune system
  • Infectious diseases passed
  • Endocrine disorders (disorders of function, thyroid, diabetes mellitus)
  • A stressful situation
  • Susceptibility, allergies
  • Long term drug

Some localization characteristic rash, psoriasis hands, elbows, torso, head part. Surface but sometimes hits dermatosis of the legs, groin, and armpits. Given that the causes of disease, experts are divided there are two main types of the disease:

  • The first kind of psoriasis. Occurs, children and young people on the background of genetic predisposition. Transfer may occur through the inheritance of psoriasis in 3-4 generations. More than 60% in the relatives of patients with psoriasis, the pain of this disease.
  • The second type of psoriasis. Visible, in people over the age of 40. In this case, the functionality is not associated with the inheritance of the disease or of the immune system. Patients affected joints and nails.

During the initial phase of psoriasis that looks like(photo) symptoms?

psoriasis initial

In the first stage of the disease the clinical picture is characterized by sudden onset and emergence, rash, surface, hand, feet, elbows, trunk and scalp.In the first stage, psoriasis, Allergy symptoms are sometimes mistakenly accept children. Atypical rashes in children may appear in these sections, the friction is exposed to the body or clothing places. Cunning lies is a disease because the diagnosis depends on accurate and timely, the more stroke therapy.

Traces of the primary element, papules (opposite) is a reddish-pink color round shape with clear boundaries. They tend to combine and create the plates come in different shapes and sizes. Plaque-coated, gray plates, are easily separated. The skin is often inflamed and edematous in the area of the rash. View the rash may be accompanied by severe itching.

If it is corrupted and allows a name that carries the characteristic features visible popular psoriaticheskij triad diagnose the disease with confidence.

  1. The phenomenon of steering points. If damaged, the plaque surface becomes, and training отслаиваются a covering of white scales, and as it happens растертую drop stearin.
  2. The phenomenon of thermal film. More popular and visible damage removal flakes, bright red surface.
  3. Blood case point. I'm digging on the surface of plaque that protrude like small blood droplets on your resume bleeding.

In some cases, psoriasis may be complicated ekssudativnyi the first stage events. These scales absorb output (sereznuyu liquid) into the rough bark. Remove such a shell, under it stays moist skin areas. A dangerous opportunity before you join such events secondary bacterial infection. As plaques grow larger sizes to catch the disease with the advancement and wide lands to the body is sick.

In the first stage, psoriasis (acute stage) it may take a few weeks. Her one day, depends to a large extent, general health status, body resistance, treatment tactics.

Localization of the disease in the hands

Localization of the disease in the hands

Psoriasis is one of the most severe forms ortopedicheskaia hand hits the skin, between the toes, brush, Palm.Psoriasis of the hands during the initial phase starts with the appearance of the rash, red dry spots сливающейся. Over time the rashes grow them visible and gray scales. Leather palms and fingers thickened, inflamed and cracked. The disease is capable of hitting, and deformed joints, upper and lower extremity in the way that swelling, pain, and challenges movements. As a result, developing psoriatic arthritis, threatening, loss, injury, and disability.

Psoriasis on the patient delivered to the brushes from the hands of a lot of psychological and physical problems and can be difficult to treat. In some cases, nail psoriasis is the result of the patient's developing detachment quotes, full it's her loss. This form of the disease similar to a fungal infection from the outside.

Psoriasis in the palm of the skin inflamed, thickened, painful and over time cracks the top floor is rough in coverage. Pockets that looks like round or oval plaques, bright red color, bright plates are easily separated. This is clearly visible on the background of inflammation, healthy skin and a patient person delivery, as an important psychological disturbance an impossible to hide under clothing.

Inflamed skin, rough and dry. That appears training, more corn, a rim frame, and plots to connect them together to create a large enough space lesions. If left untreated, inflamed skin eruption, forming painful cracks. All these findings significantly reduce the quality of life of patients and delivery of her very agonizing minutes.

Psoriasis elbows

Psoriasis elbows

A rash most frequently seen include the elbows where he was. During the initial phase of psoriasis rash characterized by the appearance of the elbow is rare, different in diameter, more prone for the growth. Over time merge with traces of items, forming the major labels and the large grabbing surface. Record cover silvery flakes are easily separated.

The wavy nature of psoriasis different, Of course, have periods of remission in which the emission times are changed. The disease usually return during the winter months. During calm inflamed elbows becomes less visible elements, color, and even may disappear completely. Patches of discolored skin that remain in their place.

Elbow psoriasis is more often an ordinary form (rough), psoriasis is characterized by skin plaques which are red in color on a rising round shapes and clear boundaries. This trend plaques covered with large red spots on education mergers and gray plates.

In some cases, the ulnar in the form seen in exudative psoriasis. The characteristic flaking appearance with plots for him and emitting a comprehensive throat appeared. Plaques formed on the surface of the stamp to absorb and output a rough shell. The patient's general condition deteriorates, perhaps the emergence of participation of secondary infections, shivering, warmth, itching and burning sensation, skin.

Head psoriasis

Head psoriasis

It's quite common scalp psoriasis. It can be easy to weather disease, characterized by small pockets and even a hairline covering the top of the head and heavy beyond the ordinary. In these cases, the lesions include the forehead, neck, and ears areas (see Fig. photo).

Psoriasis during the initial phase of the head, accompanied by severe itching and skin irritation. Record sick combos, these notes are plenty of flaky dandruff the flakes formed. Indifference to permanent damage on the skin of minor cuts, scrapes, and fissures, where infection can penetrate easily.

With the advancement of time is broken and the skin thickens plaques visible in large sizes. The leaves were already grows in the form of white flakes and scales. Notes, increasing pain, itching, the skin loses its elasticity and easily damaged scratches.

This leads to further progression of the disease, at the same time, all completely covered in sequins gray hair under the skin visible to the inflamed areas. No dissemination lead to more timely treatment of skin care line and electric to the process of hair growth.

Plaques at the beginning of the disease if they faded a bit, I deleted and then as the disease progresses, the rash grows, the plaque increase in size, Halo, bright, and do not fall into the head of hair psoriasis blend together, even large lesions and severe disease.