Scalp psoriasis is the most common disease

Psoriasis skin a non-communicable disease is 1 in 100 people and is seen in 80% of cases scalp taped defeat. This education manifested in the form of plaques or red skin between the points appears undamaged. Inflammation expand and combine. Looks the same to cure psoriasis know how and why, let's find out next.

Short help about pathology

skin soft psoriasis

Head psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. Such a result they emerge during the research I did, it was the doctors plaques-specific autoimmune disease, changes in treatment, drugs suppressing the immune system, allowing for a more general case significantly easier to make. This disease is not transmitted, the patient a healthy person.

Psoriasis can affect anyone, but risk groups to highlight the basic clinical experience that allows. Thus, the most frequent genetically inherited and affects women 15-25 years already shows a form of pathology. No patient previously 50% of cases have relatives with psoriasis or of some sort. This means that when faced with a similar pathology risk the higher ones, their parents, brothers or sisters that there is a diagnosis. The scalp psoriasis, they usually can strike the following sections:

  • break;
  • take the top part;
  • the area behind the ears;
  • whiskey;
  • nape;
  • skin, including tinnitus, tinnitus;
  • doug Nov.

Typically, such a psoriasis that have wavy air flow, i.e. alternative periods may develop and go through stages implies. In this case, the visible red in the affected areas with a record of tears , only to cause peel and itch the fat content periodically. A similar inflammatory process, leads to serious health outcomes, but the causes a serious psychological problem. Too often a vicious cycle, the time, psoriasis is caused by stress, and this, in turn, causes, pathology, complications may occur.

The disease itself does not cause hair loss, however, some treatment methods that may cause temporary baldness, stress or skin damage. Usually after cleansing the skin, hair growth, and it's a situation of emotional stability.

What are the causes?

soft skin why psoriasis occurs

The doctors still correct the result of the triggering causes excessive inflammatory reaction and synthesis of skin cells in the body is sick. Currently, a leading hypothesis genetic. There are some people who reads this accelerated upgrade an innate predisposition keratinocytes (large cell, the epidermis of human skin). Psoriasis specific immune system response, which is why a manifestation of a similar trend:

  1. The body produce new cells forming psoriatic plaques accelerated.
  2. Inflammation of the skin in the affected area is more active (body perceive anything like her foreign).
  3. Wounded skin under the influence of a more powerful immune, more sales will be dividing keratinocytes.

For a long time, genetic factors, dormant, but wake up under the influence of negative factors. These are:

  • Stress. Causes changes in all the organs of the nervous system, including violations, vol. As a result, these dividing epithelial cells leads to changes.
  • Often injury, skin. They provoke crashes keratinocytes in the process of division and growth.
  • Infectious diseases. The person's immune system attacking the microbes, especially the disease becomes chronic. As a result, the immune system begins to attack constantly tense and epithelial cells.
  • Dryness and skin sensitivity. That covers the skin often suffer from microtrauma in this case, therefore, the possibility of the development of psoriasis is high.
  • Climate conditions. In cold and dry weather the skin is subjected a heavy burden, therefore, it violates the way a bit in some places, and psoriasis.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. They provoke a strong melatonin and growth hormone secretion and causes crafting crashes.

Another popular hypothesis states that the reason for psoriasis develops metabolic disorders. In this case, the organism is starting to react to certain stimuli in the dermis cells divide accelerated. Updated throughout normal skin after 3 weeks, the patient is 5 days, why a large number of record appearing on his head. In this case, the factors may be many reasons:

  • injuries in the scalp;
  • emotional tension and stress;
  • disorders, hormonal background;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • bad habits (smoking, abusing alcohol drinks);
  • infectious processes in the body;
  • improper diet;
  • taking certain medications;
  • cooling or long-term exposure cold;
  • use of head and low quality skin care products.

In some cases, the launcher may be a very good choice when it comes to the development of psoriasis pathology of the immune system excessive stress or pain that may occur as a result of infectious disease.

To occur HIV-positive patients psoriasis is more often 3 or more healthy people are.

How pathology arises?

Psoriasis develops slowly and at different stages the following actions:

  1. There is no rash visible on the surface of the skin a pink, rounded shape has numerous plaques and top coated with white color.
  2. The rash gradually grows and increases in diameter. As a result, they flip is closed, psoriatic plaques, why itching and burning sensation. After that a strong inflammatory process.
  3. Thrives on the excess of tissue under pressure, excessive ectodermal plaques and reproductive overcrowded cells, lymphocytes and macrophages. Red spots and thickening of the skin lesions in this way, training places in the region of hair growth.
  4. Patient lives, general malaise and weakness. His body temperature that can bounce.
  5. Sensitive skin, painful and more intense. He slowly loses elasticity, more rough-coated plates, fast peel.
  6. Scratching the skin is covered with bruises and bleeding cracks.
  7. Slowly the shell is vinyl, therefore see to hair, dandruff, reminiscent of the great vessels.
  8. The itching becomes more intense, and even a person that busy, business as usual.
  9. A person feeling constantly bored or unsuccessful, a great aesthetic discomfort.
  10. The scalp and other parts of the body and spread of pathology.

Facilities for shorten the symptoms of psoriasis, a rash on the head, you may want to consult a dermatologist is necessary, first, examination and treatment begin.

Features symptoms in children

properties psoriasis in children

Scalp psoriasis in children is almost the same as in adults, however, the disease is usually self-evident have become-like symptoms:

  • redness on the scalp, even can be seen from the clay cover;
  • cover the wet softening, maceration in medical language;
  • deskuamasyon plaques;
  • the training set of the plates in separate sections of the scalp.

Rash psoriasis is usually a similar training in children in the younger age group. Very slowly and can be difficult to treat the disease.

Classification pathology

Scalp psoriasis are classified in two parameters, shape and stage of development. It's a disease that seems to be a lot of them. Consider each option separately.


In the form of psoriasis comes in two types:

  • It's easy. Mostly self head as a few lesions. Usually, plaques, plaques with small dimensions and thin coated.
  • It's heavy. Items visible psoriatic scalp. And more plaque size and thickness, more mild symptoms pathology.


Pathology experts in three stages:

  1. Is moving. New that appears on the scalp rashes. Usually, they the contour of the area affected by hair growth. Items visible flaking on the psoriatic plaques. The islands slowly rash, which can be combined wide-area lesions. During the coming phase if recurrent pathology, applies to items already existing offshore, a phenomenon that is called Kenner.
  2. It's so hard. If the inflammatory process continues, however, the new rashes. At this stage the growth plates and no dulling characteristic hyperemic RIM contour leather items.
  3. Regression. The amount is reduced, the rash shows what the effectiveness of the treatment. Existing records are modified pigment stains slowly disappear. Ill bother anymore flaking, itching and other symptoms of the pathology.


psoriasis diagnosis

If rashes occur, you may want to consult a dermatologist for scalp necessary. Expert consulting hair treatment can be made optional (formal meeting fo he's going) and that will help you choose a shampoo and other beauty care facilities. This kind of psoriasis disease triad plays a big role in determining the available events:

  • Stearic points. Stearin plaques have improved, and peeling and similar silver color.
  • Psoriasis movie. Removing plaque appear shiny and wet surface in their place.
  • Blood rosa. Scratch visible plaques dotted drops bleeding.

These symptoms will allow you to diagnose already visual inspection. In this case, the doctor medical history data into account, including openness, whether a patient, pain, psoriasis. To confirm the diagnosis, a biopsy (affected by the material of the fence) to exclude fungal flora and seed lesions. In this case the generalized form of psoriasis, advanced blood count gives up. Intoxication of an organism will show a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and high white blood cell count.

General treatment

Psoriasis scalp help alleviate unpleasant symptoms which require individual treatment, and most importantly, to achieve long-term remission in any form during pathology. Generally appointed for this purpose, a comprehensive treatment. Each piece deserves special attention.

Aiming this pathological process in chronic inflammatory reactions and excessive training may also be because with a fight keratocytes underlying diseases. In general, treatment of Doctor's prescription the following drugs:

  • drugs non-specific immunotherapy (Pirogenal, ATP);
  • vitamin complexes;
  • immunomodulators;
  • aromatic retinoids (very important, itching);
  • policyholders;
  • corticosteroids;
  • Geodezja solution for intravenous drip.

Intake, drugs, and heavy corticosteroid use on the scalp the symptoms of psoriasis and in the case of the flow significantly. Connection psoriasis treatment antibiotics if infection is a complex process.

The doctor may also prescription overall treatment antidepressants. Tasked to reduce and eliminate them psoriasis required for psycho-emotional problems - depression, stress, increased anxiety, and social phobia. In addition, it will provide you with these types of drugs to increase the stability and reduce the frequency of acute stress severity of psoriasis the patient on the floor, nervous tension, improve sleep quality. Antihistamine effects of some drugs, therefore, also help relieve itching.