Properties sexual the treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis in the genital organs is seen equally in males and females and is usually sufficient. This specific disease rashes not only affects the genital area, it also has the skin and other parts of the body (groin, navel, near-Anatolian region, hips, etc.) already often starts in the later stages of the disease the patient treatment.. more time passes, a severe form of, and the defiant local treatment.

sexual psoriasis

The rash is usually pink and red shades, they protrude quite a bit from the level of the skin, rounded shape, Silver, plaque and erythematous base. Indicator stains 0.5 to 2 cm in diameter and more. In such cases, uncomfortable itching to a human, but it's a bad picture of the view and creates foci. Usually, the disease is difficult to diagnose because other parts of the body and are arranged in parallel to the record.

The causes of the disease

The development of the disease occurs as a result of causes such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the study of disorders of the immune system;
  • the nervous turmoil;
  • pathology of organs located in the pelvic area;
  • cuts, the genital organs, hormonal imbalance.

Papules appear very often because of the genital area, the patient already has a similar rash, in the body, however, drawn to a doctor that does not accept measures is a treatable condition.

Genital psoriasis is transmitted through close contact to the other partner, both droplets in the air, the road home. It is a process of chronic, non-infectious origin.

Psoriasis in women sexual

Lip women Genital psoriasis and psoriasis is a common part of this disease is very common and вульве. The first symptoms of the disease are seen during adolescence occurs when the body's hormone rebuild. Also to remind yourself of the disease, period, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, post menopause – hormonal fluctuation on the background again. The woman is often puzzled with a similar disease and sexually transmitted diseases and engaged in self medication. The reluctance of lost time treatment a dermatologist can cause a significant deterioration of Health.

Women half of the patients with psoriatic inflammation may occur:

  • between the hip;
  • under milk glands;
  • axillary in the field.
Psoriasis in women sexual

Psoriasis also of men and women in a spoon, is placed in a chaotic manner where the popular white and silver with pinkish scales. Psoriatic like plaque spoon, large and small genital lips, mucous membranes, vagina. Vulvitis symptoms similar to psoriasis, but a dermatologist is highly experienced to provide a definitive diagnosis.

Psoriasis in men sexual

Psoriasis manifests itself as rash male genitals penis (especially the foreskin that covers the head), groin, pubis. Act on skin surface gently rising on and off the whitish stains are reddish-Silver scaly layer won. Similar to the classic manifestation баланопостита these types of symptoms, more frequent in men with sexual and complicated psoriasis. As demonstrated, medical practice, disease is a manifestation of not only the psoriatic rashes near. Popular, cover and other parts of the body including abdomen, back, arms, legs etc.

Pearl spoon in a comprehensive manner by applying the treatment in men of the local drug effects and internal. If he was not a young man diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases this path, love life, but birth control (in the process of dating from a possible infection to avoid treatment of psoriasis).

Psoriasis in men sexual

Treatment of psoriatic lesions on the genital organs for men and women

Psoriasis treatment a dermatologist who can prescribe the necessary medications near. Maybe help urologist (for males) and gynecologist (female), especially if the patient's concomitant disease, sexually transmitted infections. The principle of treatment is similar to psoriatic inflammation in both men and women. For this reason, the disease manifests itself is easy enough to use, creams, ointments, gels. Heavy vehicles are designated to be run internal acceptance.

Genital psoriasis very often passes the Near-Field region, can develop what is in the background, piles, helminthic infestation, inflammation of mucous membranes of the infection origin. This status, comorbidities, sexual complex treatment process that may be psoriasis.

Genital psoriasis treatment dermatologist must pass before diagnosis. May consulting gynaecologist or urologist.

Diagnostic methods in men and women is similar:

  • status general examination genital organs;
  • with the possibility of skin samples taken for lab tests;
  • general and clinical blood analysis;
  • brush strokes the exception condition taking the supplement for virus-provocateur, sexually transmitted diseases.

Basic treatment methods include:

  • external applications using the ointment (corticosteroid compounds, ointments tar-based);
  • lessons in preparation (immunodepressants, immunomodulators, vitamin D, retinoid content of the drug, antibiotics);
  • a parallel development in order to avoid bacterial and fungal infections antifungal drugs, and genital organs.

Active physical therapy genital ultraviolet light irradiation applied, low-frequency laser beams.

Car folk medicine, the patients frequently used the salt Bath, compress, water, bay leaf and genital lubrication tincture of gold whiskers.

Appropriate, comprehensive treatment, psoriasis, genital organs in male and females during the recovery period may continue for a few months, a few years.